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SVCL - Secretary Message

Mr. Shiv Kumar



The world changing rapidly and so are the challenges that face tomorrow professional and leaders. Gaining state-of the art knowledge both in theory and practice is vital to the successful in today’s dynamic environment. A successful professional and leaders in one who is creative and innovative, who has problem solving aptitude and skills at this command, and who is able to participate in multi-cultural and multinational environment. SVCL&HS will make Endeavour’s to provide a conducive and congenial milieu where all the three components of the personality: body, mind and soul grow harmoniously and in perfect equilibrium. We will encourage and welcome free and frank queries from you in all facts of life in and out of the classrooms which will shun out your hesitation and shyness and promote confidence in you for further learning.
I sure that you will feel yourself that you are in safer hands when you choose SVCL&HS for your BA-LLB, BBA-LLB, B.Com (H.) or BBA course, as your sagacity will see you through the challenges that might envelop you when you step out in the murky market of die-hard Professional and Leaders.

(Shiv Kumar)
Educationalist and Industrialist

समय और शिक्षा का सही उपयोग ही व्यक्ति को सफल बना देता है l “
ना कभी भागे और  हीं कभी रुके, बस हमेशा चलते रहे, यही एक विधार्थी की सफलता का मूलमंत्र है l”